Week 19-Every Word
1 Chronicles 16-29 & Acts 8-14
Chronicles 16-29
-Where is the ark of the covenant placed when it is returned to David? ____________________
-What is the covenant that the Lord makes with David? ________________________________
-What reason does David tell his son Solomon that he will not be the one to actually build the temple? Vs 8 ___________________________________________________________________
-What important part of worship is included in this chapter? ____________________________
-How does the ending of this chapter describe David’s kingly reign? _______________________
Acts 8-14
-Refer back to John 15:18 and how that applies to what happens in Acts 1:8 and Acts 8:1?
-What did the devout men do after Stephen’s death? __________________________________
-What did Saul do after Stephen’s death? ____________________________________________
-What do we learn that Philip was first called to do from Acts 6:5? ________________________
-After Stephen was stoned, the believers of that time scattered. What is also scattered with them? ________________________________________________________________________
-Look again at where Jesus said the witnesses would spread the gospel. Where is his word now being spread in chapter 8? ________________________________________________________
-What was Simon doing in Samaria that amazed the people? ____________________________
-What was Simon impressed with when he followed Philip? Vs. 13 ________________________
-Compare what Peter and John want to deliver to people in Luke 9:54-55 to what they want to deliver as disciples in Acts 8:17? ___________________________________________________
-What is Simon willing to give money for that he sees Peter and John have? ________________
-What is the definition of “simony”? ________________________________________________
-What did Peter see in Simon? Vs.23________________________________________________
-What is Saul still doing as this chapter begins? _______________________________________
-How does Paul describe the light that blinded him in Acts 26:13 when he is on trial? _________
-What word describes when Saul’s conversion begins? Vs. 3_____________________________
-What does 1 Corinthians 15:8 suggest also occurred in addition to hearing Jesus say, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting?” _________________________________________________
-What words of Jesus do we not hear in Saul’s conversion that we learn he said Acts 26:14? ______________________________________________________________________________
-How was Saul first affected by the beginning of his conversion after he was struck by the bright light? _________________________________________________________________________
-What does Jesus tell Ananias that he will find Saul doing when he finds him? _______________
-In what similar way does Ananias respond to the Lord’s request to lay his hands on Saul, that Jonah does after being told to go to Nineveh? ________________________________________
-What will mark Saul’s ministry? Vs. 16 ______________________________________________
-What does Saul do “immediately” after he was baptized? ______________________________
-Paul retells his conversion experience in Galatians 1:1-24. It also may describe the period of time between verses 22-23 in Acts 9. How much time may have elapsed between these verses that we can learn from Gal. 1:18? __________________________________________________
-What do the Jews now want to do to Saul? __________________________________________
-Who brought Saul to the disciples? Vs. 27? __________________________________________
-What are we told his name means? Acts 4:36 ________________________________________
-What is the greatest miracle performed in Acts 9:32-25? _______________________________
-Compare the healing recorded in Mark 5:35-43 to Acts 9:36-43. What similarities are there?
-What is the vocation of Simon who we are told Peter stays with at the end of Acts 9? ________
-What was Cornelius’ vocation? ___________________________________________________
-What kind of man was Cornelius? _________________________________________________
-How does Cornelius respond to the angel of God? ____________________________________
-What was Peter’s physical condition before he fell into a trance? ________________________
-What was Peter’s response when the voice told him to “Get up, Peter; kill and eat.”? ________
-Name other times when Peter’s response to the Lord was similar to this. __________________
-How many times does this event take place before being taken suddenly into heaven? _______
-Was this repeated event to demonstrate that Peter no longer had any dietary restrictions? If not, what purpose did the Lord want it to serve? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
-What was the message that Peter said he was commanded to preach and testify to in 10:42-43? _____________________________________________________________________
-Who received this message that Peter just preached? _________________________________
-What does Peter order the people to do at the end of chapter 10? _______________________
-Who were “circumcised believers”? ________________________________________________
-What was their response that Gentiles now had accepted the word of the Lord? ____________
-What was Peter’s sermon about to these believers to convince them that God also could favor Gentiles? _____________________________________________________________________
-Who was sent to the church at Antioch and what was his mission there? __________________
-When has someone possibly served that purpose for you? _____________________________
-What name are “slaves or followers” of Christ given for the first time in Antioch? ___________
-Do you think this name was well received by most at this time in history…or today? _________
-This name is repeated the second time in all of scripture in Acts 26:28. Then again for the third and final time in 1 Peter 4:16. How might this reference in 1 Peter encourage you? ______________________________________________________________________________
-What does the prophet Agabus predict will happen during the reign of Claudius? ____________
-Notice the order of the names of Barnabas and Saul as this chapter ends.
-Describe what King Herod and Peter are doing at the beginning of this chapter? ____________
-What had happened to James, the brother of John? ___________________________________
-What was the church doing during this time? Vs. 5 ____________________________________
-What was Peter doing as he was in jail, chained to guards and anticipating the possibility of execution the next day? How could he do this? _____________ __________________________
-How does Luke describe his disciples, including Peter, in his gospel Luke 9:32 and Luke 22:45?__________________________________________
-Describe Peter’s interesting escape from prison. ______________________________________
-Who answered the door of Mary’s house when Peter knocked on it? _____________________
-What does she fail to do after hearing someone’s at the door? __________________________
-What does this event teach you about prayer? _______________________________________
-How does Luke describe what is happening with the soldiers after Peter’s disappearance from prison? _______________________________________________________________________
-Describe what King Herod and Peter are doing at the end of chapter 12? __________________
-What verb is used to describe how the angel got Peter’s attention in prison in verse 7 _________________
and how the angel got King Herod’s attention in verse 23 _____________? Πατάσσω patassō
-What does your bible translation say the people were doing in 13:2? _____________________
-λειτουργέω leitourgeō The underlined word is the transliteration (what the Greek word sounds like) for what the people were doing in 13:2. What English word relating to worship does it look like to you? ________________________________
-Who does the “sending” of Barnabas and Saul? _____________________________________
-What do we call a service when there is a laying on of hands and a sending out? ___________
-What is the difference between a disciple and an apostle? _____________________________
-What other name for Saul now appears in verse 9? ___________________________________
-What does this new name mean in Greek? __________________________________________
-What does Saul call the magician/false prophet Bar-Jesus? _____________________________
-What happened when the “hand of the Lord came upon Bar-Jesus”? _____________________
-Who leaves Barnabas and Paul in verse 13? _________________________________________
-What day is it and what place do Paul and his companions go when they arrive in Perga in Pamphylia? _________________________________
-Who is called on to preach the sermon after hearing the reading of the law and the prophets? ______________________________________
-How would you describe verses 16-25 in Paul’s sermon? _______________________________
-Who does Paul say in his sermon condemned Jesus? __________________________________
-What word describes what Paul describes God’s action in verse 30? ______________________
-What does Paul point out is the difference between what Jesus gives to you and what Moses requires of you? Vs. 39 ___________________________________________________________
-Find the words of Habakkuk 1:5 in the 13th chapter of Acts. Verse _______________________
-Notice the order of the listing of the names of the two apostles in verse 42 compared to the way they were listed previously? ___________________________________________________
-Compare the service where Paul preached his first sermon to what took place on the next sabbath day as recorded in verse 44. What changed? __________________________________
-What do Paul and Barnabas say is the necessary order of the people they were to deliver the good news to? _________________________________________________________________
-Who were the glad recipients of the good news as this chapter ends? ____________________
-What did the first disciples who became the first apostles learn from Jesus about what to do when the good news is not welcomed? ______________________________________________
-When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, what else will you be filled with? _________________
-What is the “same thing” that happened in Iconium (Galatia) when Paul and Barnabas spoke in the synagogue that happened in Anitoch? ___________________________________________
-How would you relate what Jesus taught in his sermon on the Mount from Matthew 7:6 to what Paul and Barnabas experienced in Acts 14:1-7? ___________________________________
-What had the crowd at Lystra and Derbe misunderstood after Paul healed the crippled man?
-How did Paul attempt to get the people to understand where he received his power to heal?
-What do the Jews from Antioch and Iconium do to Paul? _______________________________
-What does Paul do next? ________________________________________________________
-What did the disciples need to know would happen after the gospel is preached? ___________
-How does chapter 14 end describing what Paul had done with the faith of the Gentiles?