Every Word Study Guide-week 4

Exodus 21-40

-What was done to mark a male Hebrew slave that did not wish to be set free? Ex 21:6 _______


-What is the penalty and the benefit if you dig a pit and fail to cover it if an animal falls in? Ex.21:33-34 ____________________________________________________________________

-Which of the 10 commandments does Ex. 22:1 sound like? _____________________________

-Which of the 10 commandments does Ex. 22:29 sound like? ____________________________

-Which of the 10 commandments does Ex. 23:1-3 sound like? ____________________________

-Which meaning of the 10 commandments in Luther’s Small Catechism does Ex. 23:4 sound like?  _________________________________________________________________________

-What does Ex. 23:10 instruct farmers to do? _________________________________________

-Which of the 10 commandments does Ex. 23:12 sound like? ____________________________

-Which of the 10 commandments does Ex. 23:13 sound like? ____________________________

-What is the cover for the ark of the covenant called? Ex.25:17 ___________________________

-What is the “covenant” that is referred to in Ex. 25:21? ________________________________

-What was instructed to be placed in the tabernacle to separate the ark of the covenant in the most holy place? Ex. 26:31-34______________________________________________________

-What is different from the altars in our churches compared to the one described in Ex. 27:1-3?


-What is the same as we even do today with the lamps in our churches? ___________________

-What are Aaron and his sons instructed to wear when they go into the tent of the meeting so that they don’t die? Ex.28: 40-43 ___________________________________________________

-What were some things included in the ordination ceremony for Aaron’s sons? Ex. 29 ________


-What does the bronze basin sound like that is still found in some churches today? Ex. 30:17-19


-Who was to “speak” to the Israelites about keeping the sabbath? Ex. 31:12-15______________

-What was the punishment for not keeping the sabbath? _______________________________

-How could you say this penalty still applies today? ____________________________________

-What has changed in how the two tablets of the covenant were delivered in Ex. 31:18? ______


-What had Moses done that is given as the reason for the people to “make gods for us”?  Ex. 32


-Who speaks to you when you are delayed from hearing from the Lord? ___________________

-Who encouraged the people to make a golden calf? ___________________________________

-What does Moses do with the tablets of stone? ______________________________________

-What sounds like harsh words from the Lord in Ex. 33:1-3? _____________________________

-Who is introduced as Moses’ young assistant in Ex. 33:11? ______________________________

-What is the promise that Moses is given in Ex. 33:17? _________________________________

-When did the Lord speak this promise to you? _______________________________________

-Who decides to whom mercy and grace is given? _____________________________________

-How do you learn that God's mercy and grace are “for you”? ____________________________

-In chapter 34, what part does the Lord make Moses do regarding the new tablets and what does the Lord do?  ______________________________________________________________

-Why is Ex.34:6 important for you to know? __________________________________________

-What additional reminder is added to the commandment regarding the sabbath in Ex. 34:21?


-What punishment is again repeated regarding keeping the sabbath in Ex. 35:1-3? ___________

-What vocations were given to Bezalel and Oholiab? ___________________________________


-What do you think of the problem mentioned in Ex.36:5-7 and if that is a common problem today? ________________________________________________________________________

-What similarities are found with how the Lord commanded the tabernacle to be constructed to what we see in churches today? ___________________________________________________


-How does the author of Exodus describe the completion of the tabernacle? Ex 40:33 ________

-Where else are these words used in scripture? _______________________________________

Matthew 22-28

-What does the parable of the wedding banquet teach us apparently is NOT a requirement for attending the banquet? Matt. 22:10_________________________________________________

-Jesus accuses the Pharisees of testing him regarding the payment of taxes. Matt. 22:15-22  Why do matters of the “law” often set a trap for us as they did for Jesus? ______________________


-What does Jesus accuse the Pharisees of doing as he speaks against them to the crowds and his disciples in Matt. 23? ____________________________________________________________

-What is the warning given to Jesus’ disciples and what is the promise also given to them in Matt. 24:9-14? _________________________________________________________________

-What prophecy is yet to be fulfilled as described in Matt. 24? ___________________________

-What “oil” do you need to be ready for the coming of the kingdom of heaven? Matt.25 ______

-What does Matt. 25:31-39 say how the righteous will respond about their good deed? _______

-What does this mean for your salvation?  ___________________________________________

-The “Words of Institution” for the Lord’s supper appear in Matt.26:26-30.  What two words describe the “real presence” of the Lord when this sacrament is rightly administered?  

“___________  _______”

-Judas is remembered for betraying Jesus. Peter for denying knowing him.  What do we learn about the rest of the disciples as Jesus was arrested? Matt. 26:56 ________________________

-What do we learn that Judas did after betraying Jesus and what did he fail to hear?  

Matt. 27:3-5 ___________________________________________________________________

-Read Luke 4:13 which occurs after the temptation of Jesus and see how it might fit in context of what was said to Jesus in Matt. 27:39-40?  ___________________________________________

-How is the last sentence in Matthew consistent with how Jesus was described  in Matt. 1:23?
